I promise I will post some pictures soon. Where do I start??? Last Thursday night we pack up and left to go to my Mother and Fathers house in Jacksonville, NC about 2 hours away. The trip down was a headache....Sada started crying about 5 miles into the trip. I was driving so Chad could eat some supper. After Chad finished his supper he took Sada out of her seat and she rode in the front seat until we got off of I-40 an hour down the road. After that I hopped into the passenger seat and fed her and she was out for the rest of the trip.
Friday we wake up and Kipling all he can talk about is riding in Grandpa Bob's TRUCK. Grandpa Bob had a lot of errands to run and Kipling wanted to go with him. I went along just to help my Dad out in case he needed it. Our first stop was to the Gas station and Kipling and Grandpa Bob buys Kipling some M&M's, Kipling is in HEAVEN. Our next stop was the Recycling Center. Kipling was starting to get a little restless and wanted out. Grandpa Bob told him he had to stay in the truck. He was not happy about that. Our next step was to the bank to get money, and then to Taco Bell to meet some of his employees' (boy was my Dad proud to show off his little Grandson), then off to pay the electric bill, then to SECU, and then to Sears where Kipling was able to get out of the Truck. We went in and Kipling just loved all of the exercise machines. He did not want to leave. We finally left and came home to Nana and Grandpa Bob's house and Kipling was not acting himself. After a while my Dad had left for work and my Mother was teaching I search the house over for a Thermometer. His Temperature was 102. That was the beginning of our fun visit. That night Kipling slept in our room on the floor on his air mattress. He did not sleep very well. He woke up through out the night and threw up. After cleaning that up we all went to sleep. I had brought Tylenol and Motrin for Sada since she is teething so he was taking infant Tylenol and so it was not working so well. Saturday my Mother took me to the store and we bought him some medicine. After giving him the medicine he felt fine and was talking and walking around. Still not the Kipling we know. That night his temperature spiked back up above 102, he was shaking, shivering and coughing and he threw up again. That time it was really bad because he was sleeping in bed with us. I had to change all of the bed sheets, pillow cases, clothes etc. That took a while. My Mother was so excited Kipling was feeling better because she really wanted to show off her cute little Grandkids at church. When I told her we were not going she was disappointed. "Not even Sada", she replied. I gave in and even though I got no sleep that night I took Sada to church so she could show her off to everyone. We got back from church and Kipling still looked pitiful. My Brother Andrew called while I was upstairs playing the Wii and told us that it was going to snow where he was and Raleigh was going to get Snow as well. So, Chad and I decided that we would stay Sunday night and leave sometime on Monday, since we really do not have a job to come home too. We came home Monday afternoon and Kipling still had a temperature of 101. He wanted me to hold him all day and when I was not he was crying Mommy help me, Mommy help me. I was almost in tears I did not know what to do. One of my other Brothers Rob called my parents house during the weekend and he had told me that his little boy was doing the same thing and he had a virus. So, I just kept on telling Kipling we have to wait it out. Tuesday I was done. I had about enough there was something else wrong, Kipling has had a temperature for 5 days now and has not eaten since his M&M's on Friday. SO, Wednesday I called my friend Nurse Pam and she told me it sounded like Pneumonia and to bring him in. That morning Denise was very in tune, she called me and asked how everything was and I told her and so she said he was going to bring me Dinner. What a relief that was. I told her I did not know when we were going to be home since they would have to run test (hopefully). Anyway we were off to the doctors office and I was gearing up for them to tell me that it was just a viral infection. We got there and they took us back Kipling got on the scale and he had lost 3 pounds since his 2 year check up (which means he has actually lost more). We got back there and told the doctor what was going on. He listened to his chest and he said that sounded fine, so I am getting a little frustrated, then he looked at his ears, said they looked good, I getting ready to scream, Then he looked at his throat, that looked fine he said. I thought I was going to be like John Q and go crazy on the doctor. However, he said since we gave him such a good story they were going to test his Oxygen level and his White Blood Cell count. His Oxygen level was 96 and it should be 100 and then his White Blood count was high. So, he sent us to Rex Hospital down stairs and we were off to have Chest x-rays and blood work done. We got to Register and the lady asked for our Insurance Card. I told her we do not have insurance we were applying for Medicaid. She was not to thrilled, but took the answer and went on. We finally go back to take Chest X-rays. I could not be in the area with Kip since I am Pregnant. They sat him on a bicycle seat and put a plastic chest shield around him and he had his arms sticking straight up in the air. Kip did not know what to think. He looked so funny in that contraption. I wish I had my camera. Then we were off to get his blood taken. Poor kid. The first time he got poked the suction did not work so they had to go to the other arm to get the blood. After that we were back up to the doctors office. The results he has Pneumonia in his upper left Lung and also there is a part of our body that wraps around from the back to the front and that is all filled as well. POOR KIPLING:( He had an Antibiotic shot before we left the doctors office and by that time anytime a nurse came by he was saying No, NO, NO...he was also say go bye bye, go bye bye. When we got home Denise came by shortly after with a wonderful meal. Kipling went to sleep and had a pretty good night. His fever has gone, but he is still coughing. The doctor said he should feel better in a couple of days but will not get totally better for two weeks. WOW!! He ate today and is feeling a little better.
We have had a lot of fun with this one.
Lee's Birthday!
5 months ago
OH Jess! My goodness, what a week you guys have had :( I wish I could have been around to help you out! I am so glad Kip is feeling better and eating again!
Poor Kipling and all of you. That is just horrible. I am glad he is feeling a little bit better though. Scary. I am glad they were able to figure it out.
Poor Kip. Glad they figured out what was wrong with him. Very glad to hear he didn't have to stay in the hospital. Those x-ray machines are funny aren't they? let us know if you need anything! Remember we are always here to help.
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