Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas Program-A Day in Bethleham

3 wise men with Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus
3 wise men giving gifts
Look at the size of that turkey leg

Kipling sicking with the fruit
and bread
a feast for a KING
Sada trying out the Turkey Leg
Chad loved the turkey leg
Pres. Antley and Evan
Joseph and Mary
This was such a wonderful program put on by our ward at church. Pretty much everyone(except us) dressed up as they in Jesus' time. When you came to the city(cultural hall) there was a Roman Soldier who gave us a bag of coins. With those coins you had to buy your dinner. Which consisted of Turkey Legs(you get at the State Fair), chicken legs for the children (free), Bread and cheese(which was the most expensive), and fruit (free). After the meal they had a wonderful program which consisted of singing about Christ's life and his birth and then the presentation of the wise men giving Baby Jesus gifts. This was a very touching and spiritual event.