Our New Years Eve week went a little rough. The Sunday before Kipling came to me telling me his leg hurt. I thought maybe it was growing pains since he has gotten taller over the past couple of weeks. I looked at his leg and he had a bump with a white head on it so I called Chad to come and pop it (he has had one before and this is what the doctor told us to do). Chad popped it and some stuff came out but not much. The next day we kept an eye on it and Chad popped it every now and then through out the day-Of course with Kipling kicking and screaming and being held down. Tuesday it got really big the size of an orange. So, I called "Nurse Pam" and told her what was going on, she told me if he gets a temperature he needs to be seen right away. So, I send Chad off with Kip and Sada to his parents house so he can change the oil and also the kids can play over there while I clean the house, since I had been sick the week before. They come home about 5:00 and Kip comes and gives me a hug and when I give him a kiss on his forehead it is burning up. I tell Chad to go and get the Thermometer and his temp was 102.9. Oh my I start freaking out. I call the doctor and the receptionist asks if it's an emergency, I say "I think so". The nurse gets on the line, I start crying...Chad takes the phone. Next thing I know I am rushing out the door to get to a doctors apt. by 6:00 at Rex hospital (Raleigh Children Peds). We get there they take us right back. Side note I am having to carry Kipling everywhere because he cannot walk to very fun nor safe for me. They ask there normal questions and they start checking check is ears-Yep he's got an ear infection, check his throat-Yep he's got white on his throat, check his chest that is okay. Then we get to the bump?!?!? Oh my he has a big abcess. They check his white blood count and it is 27000, doctor says Oh my that is high. So, poor kid gets two antibiotic shots while we are at the doctors office and on the way home I have to pick up two more perscriptions (which the doctor had put four anitbiotics into 2 perscriptions thank goodness) he had to take them that night. The next morning he had to go back. Chad was back at work so I had to take Sada to Chad's parents house and rush to the doctor. We got back to the room I was taking off his pants and the bump popped. OH my this was so GROSS!!! I told the doctor it had popped and she said oh good then turned around and said OH MY. She had to get gause and clean it. Kipling by this time is SCREAMING, a nurse comes running in because he is kicking and screaming while the doctor was trying to clean it up. The nurse holds the top of him down while I hold his other leg down. The puss kept coming and coming, meanwhile Kipling is hitting and throwing things at the nurse. Boy am I embarassed!!! It finally slowed down enough where the doctor could go and get the test to see if what was coming out was a staff infection or not. We finally leave--NOT A FUN VISIT!! The last words were I need to see him tomorrow and if it has not gone down he will have to go and see the surgeon upstairs (Rex hospital). So, I schedule and appointment and we head back the next day. We end up having to see the General Surgeon of Rex Hospital. Chad had to work again but he was able to get off early so I had him meet me at the hospital so we could meet with the surgeon together. My thought was and what the doctor told me he was going to do was just clean out the abcess some more. By this time Kiplings fever has not gone down neither has his white blood count which we find out a normal count is 11000 so it is over double what is should be. We discuss what our concerns are with the surgeon and then he looks at it, and says you have two choices to hospitalize him or take him home and watch him carefully. I looked at the surgeon like are you kidding me. I did not know what do say. SO, I ask the surgeon what he would do in this situation because I have not clue, I am relying on your expertise to tell me what is best. At the same time he keeps telling us if we hospitalize him that it is a very tramatic thing for a 3 year old to go through. So, WHAT DO YOU DO??? He finally told us he would take his child home and keep an eye on him and if it gets worse to take him to the emergency room and he will be on call. So, we took Kipling home, he wanted to go to Grandmothers house really bad, got dressed to go to Chuck and Linda Annual New Years Eve Bash. As well as make something to take with us. We rushed over to Chads parents house so we could spend time with Sada before having to leave for the party.
We had a lot of fun this year at Chuck and Linda's we ate, kareoke, ate, played an adverb game and then time was up. We rang in the New Year WOW 2010 already. When we got back to Chads parents house to pick up the kids, Kip and Sada were still awake. They rang in the New Year with Grandmother and Grandpa Simpson. Kipling leg is pretty much all better now and he is back to normal walking and running and acting up. So, he is back to normal.
It is sad to see them lay around the house when they are sick like that but they are so quite at the same time and he was immobile for a while so it was nice in a way.
We are glad he is back to normal.
Lee's Birthday!
5 months ago
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