Don't get me wrong I love my little boy but, things were much easier when there was just two!!!
Here is what we did a couple days before Spencer arrived.
Friday morning we went to my last doctors appointment. After the appointment and the okay to be induced on Tues. Kipling begged me to go to Farm Days. Since we had to wait for my Sister to get home for our next even I decided I would take them. They had so much fun. they did not get to pet the pigs, however the pigs were much more active on day 2 than day 1. The turkeys were much more fun to watch as well. After visiting the animals one more time and eating some more ice cream, we got a call from my sister saying she was on her way home from work. Off we were to go and get lunch. I had to get Mexican one more time since I had an excuse and then I stopped off at Wendys for the kids. We got to my sisters house and off we were to make Frozen Meals for when I have Spencer. I was at my sisters house til after 11pm making meals. We made 34 meals. 12 for me, 12 for my sister and 10 for my sister in law who is on bedrest. After making the meals we had to clean the house since the kids destroyed it. Saturday we went to Garners Annual Easter Egg Hunt. The kids played on the inflatables, had balloons made, gathered goodies and then off to the park to wait for the traffic to die down. We then headed to the Simpson's homestead and spent some time with Grandmother. Sunday was a day of rest.
Monday cleaned and then took the kids to Grandmothers at 8pm. We had a lot of fun in the days right before Spencer, but would not trade Spencer for anything.
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